Last Updated, Jun 29, 2023, 6:07 PM
How To Run a Proper Parking Lot Inspection
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Parking lots see much traffic every day, which causes wear to the lots and eventually makes them dangerous. As someone in charge of a parking lot, it’s your responsibility to care for the lot and keep it safe. This means running a proper parking lot inspection to catch any dangers. Here’s how to conduct an inspection.

Check for Key Standards

The first thing you should check for is that your lot still fits all the standards it should. Mirrors or stop signs in the right places can prevent many accidents and increase safety in your lot. Crosswalks and proper signage are very important, so you should check that they’re present in your lot.

Look for Any Damage

All the traffic through your parking lot can stress the pavement and cause all sorts of damage. Therefore, keep an eye out for common pavement problems and have ways to solve them. The faster you fill any cracks, the less the damage will worsen or spread to the rest of your lot.

Identify Hazards

Potholes or moved barriers can cause all sorts of mayhem and potentially lead to injuries. Regular inspections help you catch these hazards early to prevent the worst and get the area back in working order.

Ensure Visible Lines

Your parking lot likely relies on lines to indicate where people can park and painted arrows to direct traffic. The heavy wear on your lot can cause these lines to fade and disappear, leading to confusion in your parking lot. Try to reapply these lines every year or two or more frequently if they’re hard to see.

Running weekly inspections of your parking lot and knowing how to do them properly will positively affect your lot. This way, you can deal with issues quickly and prevent much damage. This will also increase safety in your lot for workers and visitors.

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